More Canary Islands Info


Discover The Canary Islands Festivals & Celebrations

Discover the heart and soul of Gran Canary by immersing yourself in its vibrant festivals and celebrations. Our blog explores the island's rich cultural tapestry through its annual events, from the exuberant Carnival of Las Palmas to the traditional Fiest

Itinerary Guide For The Canary Islands, Spain

Planning a week-long escape to the Canary Islands, Spain? Our comprehensive 7-day itinerary guide will lead you on an unforgettable journey through this enchanting archipelago. Explore the best of Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, and more as we map out

Discovering the Natural Wonders of the Canary Islands in Spain

Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of the Canary Islands! Our blog post takes you on a virtual journey to discover the breathtaking natural wonders of this Spanish archipelago. Get ready to be captivated by the unparalleled charm of this unique
Playa del Médano Surfing Beach Spot in South Tenerife

Best Outdoor Activities in the Canary Islands, Spain

Discover the best outdoor activities in the Canary Islands, Spain, with our top picks for hiking, surfing, and more. Explore breathtaking landscapes and world-class surfing spots on these stunning Spanish islands

The Best Island in The Canaries: Which One to Visit?

Explore the Canary Islands and discover which Canary Island suits your travel style the most for your dream getaway. From Tenerife's diverse attractions to Gran Canaria's cultural richness find the ideal match!

Discovering The Best Churches To Visit in The Canary Islands

Uncover the Canary Islands' spiritual and architectural treasures by exploring the best churches to visit in the Canary Islands Archipelago